Addressing AIDS in South Africa
Through the National Association of Social Workers Gail Grabczynski, was chosen as a delegate to go to South Africa and work with both governmental and private social service agencies. During her 5 week trip, Gail, representing Making the Difference International, Inc. worked with the International Red Cross/Red Crescent assisting in developing culturally specific programs for HIV education and prevention in rural areas in Kwa Zulu Natal.
While in South Africa she met with several agencies and organizations to assist in further development of programs. She worked with a private funding source, The Community Chest, to develop an evaluation tool for the funded programs. Gail also consulted with the Kwa Zulu Natal's police department; she assisted in organizing structural changes in how to work with police officers that are identified as having work related problems that have spilled over from home life. Some of the problems identified include anger management issues, HIV/AIDS, financial problems, and dissatisfied work life.
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